Friday, July 14, 2006

Work--the Perfect Companion

Shaking your head already are we? Well not so fast.

Work (and in this case I am referring to writing although it could be just about anything)is my/our good friend. It doesn't have reasons why they can't do whatever or something doesn't come up unexpectedly...heck it doesn't even have to wash its hair on a Friday night. It never argues with you and most of the time it is quite complacent to your desires. It doesn't even give you a dirty look when you use its toothbrush either. So therefore--there is no disappointment.

Someone get Mr. Freud there to sit back down--I'm not ready for him yet!

We all have our quirks, I tend to work more (write) when I am not in a good mood of sorts, bored, frustrated...whatever, maybe that is why I write some dark stuff. Yeah...I know dark and brooding. Sometimes it almost feels like a guilty pleasure to be light-hearted or humorous. Anyway I do write when I am in a good mood and of course it is probably in a more positive light which makes a nice balance if there is enough of it.

Not yet Mr.'ll get your chance--believe me!

Call it a form of escapism if you will, I would because that is what it is. Work allows us to channel energy, whether negative or positive into something that ultimately and hopefully will be a good thing if done correctly. Now of course, this may not be healthy and of course social interaction is probably the best, but sometimes we just can't get what we want and we have to settle for what is available.

Okay Mr. Freud...Take me away...I'm all yours.


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