On the road again...
I didn't get any work done this weekend--but you know what--that's okay. Although I was on the "road" this weekend, I managed to kind of sit back and relax quite a bit more than usual and it was soooooo cool! Good company on the road trip was of course an asset, along with enjoyable mystery meals, conversation, some cards (I kicked butt!) and even finding time for squeaking in a movie. For once being on the road was not so tiring as it usually is...well except for the bottle of liquid soap that decided to open and spill all over my toiletry items and some clothing.
But even that incident did not manage to darken the nicest trip I have had in quite a while. I am sure that there is a moral of this story somewhere...perhaps it is sitting back a little more and chilling is better than sweating everything else--huh?
Next week..onto Boston. Wish me luck on breaking the "Boston Curse" which seems to wait for me to arrive in the fair city. From snow to bad food...I'll be ready this time!
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