Some Days You Just Can't Help It...
We all (and I say this fairly confidently) have those kind of moments when we sort of push aside those warm fuzzy feelings and well--just let those evil little gremlins take over. Well although I didn't realize it at the time, I had one of those moments the other day although I didn't know it at the time.
Anyway what's this all about? Well I was asked to provide some information for a promotional tool for an organization I am involved with. Well this organization had an event last year that went extremely well for 99% of the people that attended. But it was this 1% that not only stuck the hot poker in my gut, but also twisted it for extra pleasure to save their damaged pride.
Anyway, before the twisting of the poker got started, the individual praised the event wholeheartedly. Yet within hours, they decided to publish this very-very-very-very-very-very long and somewhat dull rant about how the world was out to get them not only at the event...but the entire state and hell...even the world for that matter. I was waiting for the aliens to come into the picture but they deprived me of even that satisfaction although there was something about religion and politics in there which I don't know what the heck they were...anyway moving along...
So...I took this individual's praising comment, which comprised about less than 1% of the complete rant and used it to pitch next years event. The funny part was that the irony of what I did didn't hit me for a while.
(Insert light bulb going off here)
So if people read this individuals rant (if there is enough No-Doz available) and then see the promotional advertisement for next year with their endorsement--well even I would have to wonder what the heck this person is doing which was the big question many of us had after the writing of the rant. Anyway it all works out for the good of the event which is really the important thing rather than a bruised ego of one individual.
Is there a moral to the story--well supply your own if you must. What I like to think is that there is a justice in the world that fits everyone--yes--one size fits all does come in handy at times. And in this case...not only does it fit good, but it feels good too.
Evil Evil Evil. Trying to justify your little black streak won't work... even if the person in question was a pain. A royal pain. A royal pain wearing purple bedclothes.
Yeah--but for one of those rare moments..."it was ALL good!"
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