Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Importance of Undergarments & Conventions- A Continuing Story-Part VI

Part VI
“You wish to have sex first? This is part of the ritual? Is this where the naked chef comes in as well as the card game?”

Another Moment of Decision Time

Okay…now here I was sitting in the bar with this gorgeous woman who appeared to be lacking in the brain department but made up for it in the other sundry areas. You know what I mean; clueless doesn’t even come close to defining her mental capability. So one could tell her about the misconception she has or someone could take shameless advantage of it for their own personal gain.
I chose to do the right thing and point out her misconception. I really did. Honest and cross my heart and all that stuff (for about a millisecond).

Don’t shake your head or say tsk…tsk…tsk as you wag your finger at the computer screen. You would have done the same thing I did and you know it. At conventions there is an implied leeway to the rules of decorum…you check them at the lobby and that’s where they stay. You know the saying…what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Well at conventions it’s sort of the same thing except it’s just a lot less glamorous or if you prefer…spiffy.

Okay, back to the conversation. After overcoming my shock at given any thought to refusing this offer, I found my voice and continued.

“Trista, I’m not sure about the naked chef thing or the card game, but the sex is a big YES in order to truly experience the convention and all its subtle nuances.”

“But the naked chef thing, I thought that was important to? If you lost the bet playing cards you had to cook dinner—naked?”

Honey w-h-a-t-e-v-e-r. But you must have your wires crossed with the Food Network or a combination of those wacky reality shows. I don’t know about the naked chef thing or the card thing, but if that is a requirement for you—well then I’m all for it. I’m sure I could find an apron and a deck of cards…after all it is a convention and weirdness abounds in every corner and crevice. It’s just the way it is…”

To be continued…


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