Deja Vu or the invasion has begun...
This morning about 530AM I let the dog out and I was standing outside the house sipping a cup of coffee. I glanced up toward the eastern part of the sky and saw this extremely bright green object flash across the sky. Now I have seen many a meteorite in my time and this was huge in comparison. The freaky thing about it was that it looked very similar to an image of have seen before as is seen below:

What's really strange is that image also appears here on the cover.
I know I was very awake at the time and I was chewing some of that lovely nicotine gum so I don't believe this was an hallucination. But if that is not the case--then what was it?
A coincidence then?
A cheap plug for my book?
Or maybe my fiction coming true?
All I know is what I saw and I guess I'll leave it at that.
By the way, the electronic version of the book became available as well today...Coincidence...perhaps. Maybe so but I never knew that the book was going to be released from Fictionwise.
Alien Deception at Fictionwise.
However, I am glad to report that there was no ostrich citing at the same time of this unusual event...that's Emrya...yes spelled it right this time. I saw her later that day...
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