Friday, August 25, 2006

2 Weeks Plus & Where did that ostrich come from?

Type of blog post: Fun

Well as I mentioned in the last post, there was a rough patch that crept up and I’m glad to announce that it is behind me and hopefully stays that way. Tonight is 15 days smoke free. Feeling kind of good about that and even a little surprised, but of course I still remain cautious.

Now onto some more interesting stuff. Something that cropped up recently in several emails I have recieved is: where did that ostrich come from? It appears in several posts prior to my quitting smoking so it must have an origin rather than just being a product of my nicotine hallucinations.

So placing on my Sherlock Holmes hat(Jeremy Brett…you’re the man)I began the tracing the origin of this mysterious creature. Now I have never had any affiliation in any way shape or form with an ostrich which meant that it had to come from some outside influence. Checking my past readings I discovered what I believe is or I should say who is the culprit. The ostrich appears in a blog entry by Emyra where she makes some ridiculous claim about an ostrich breaking her ankle, which we all know was not true but rather a ruse at hiding the fact that she tripped over a curb in an inebriated state and…well that’s another story. So she started this whole ostrich thingy…so it’s all her fault.

Now of course there will be those that say…well I was the one who wrote about it, but that was after it was in the public its free game at that point. So just deal…

So in honor of the notoriety that the ostrich has attained, I suggest that as a point of honor, after all, I am a gentleman about these things, we name it Emyra after its creator. Now I know that Emyra will balk at such an honor, but it is the least I or we for that matter can do. After all, she could have picked a duck or something.

So Emyra here you go…this bird is for you! (sorry…couldn’t resist the fowl humor).

Addendum to post:
Further justifcation of the naming of the ostrich Emyra has recently come to light:

(1) Emyra is in possession of a stuffed ostrich
(2) Emyra communicates with ostriches...I have recently seen such acts and is even in possession of a video of said act.

What else can be said. I believe the evidence stands on its own two legs... This is killing me...he-he...


At 8:53 AM, Blogger Emrya said...

Well you can totally name it after Emyra... I have no idea who that is. After all I am Emrya.



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