Random Mutterings
Well I just couldn't seem to get on track with too much today but as I have been relaying the events of my current state, if nothing else for posterity sake, I thought I would keep going—anyway it passes the time.
No cigarettes—lots of drugs—a little pain on the side. This is one meal I wish I could skip. However being couch bound was semi-exciting but even that is wearing me out. I fidget after a couple of hours. I firmly believe couch sitting and movie watching is always better with company.
Started working on a syllabus for one of my classes and then realized I had the wrong course. Then after I got that part straightened out and got a rough draft together, I checked the roster and saw that there aren’t enough people signed up so the class might be cancelled anyway.
Watched the ostrich roam by a few times. I think she is trying to get my attention…
Worked on the revisions to the vampire novel—thank God they were pretty mechanical because that’s about all I could handle. Two hundred pages down and two hundred to go. Wish the love scene was in this book and not the second one—or is it the third book—anyway I could have used the excitement.
Flirted with that ostrich…I think it’s stalking me...
Watched Constantine—glad I didn’t pay anything for it. However I did watch a Cary Grant movie called I was a Male War Bride—great movie—with some really priceless lines I will have to try and use some day on some unexpecting female.
I replaced a band on my watch which took over an hour…and then saw that the watch has stopped so probably needs a battery. Threw said watch against the wall.
Had a serious moment ot two thinking about some of the personal changes I need to get working on…started making a list of things to do so I can procrastinate over the list rather than just the ideas.
Called for my surgery appointment and was told I would have to go for about a month which at this point seems ludicrous as it is painful to walk—military medicine. Also was scolded about my schedule of medication—I wrote it down this time so I won’t forget.
The ostrich has a pretty interesting personality although it does have a sharp edge at times. Still kind of cute…
Had a lengthy conversation with my dog about tennis balls; she reminded me that I got two with the mower last week and they need to be replaced.
Had a mental debate with myself: Have you ever wondered if bologna has a right side up? I mean is it the way it comes out of the package that it should be placed on the bread?
Looked in the paper randomly—you have to wonder why apartments don’t get cheaper. There is so much new construction of homes these days—you would think that they would be giving apartments away. Where do all these people come from?
Ate Cheerios from the box. It seemed the right thing to do at the time. Even shared with the ostrich; I think she liiiiiikkkkkes me…
In my head I counted the packs of cigarettes that I know are still in the closet. I avoid going into that closet for obvious reasons.
Does an ostrich age the same as a person? Just wondering, I mean you have to be aware of these things…
And finally, was pretty succesful in fighting off the pissiness disposition during conversation.
Well that was pretty much my day--a random collage of events.
Tommorrow I might make a move on the ostrich…
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