Monday, August 14, 2006

Something’s Gotta Give…

Keep an eye on that ostrich…I hear they have a mean kick…

Well here we are…or more like here I am approaching the fourth day of no cigarettes. There have been no murders or aggravated assaults—so far. And that of course is the good news.

If you have noticed in the previous posts, there have been other events that have decorated the halls of my endeavor of quitting smoking. They in themselves have been enough to drive even the sanest person back to the nicotine wagon. Fortunately I lay no claim to being sane.

However, dramatic (yes—full of drama) developments have continued. The story goes as follows…one is suppose to increase their “physical” activity when they quit smoking to keep occupied and of course prevent the weight gain. So I have been doing that (don’t ask—don’t tell). Well I began to experience some pain in my leg; the obvious assumption is a strain. One puts smelly stuff on, takes pills and maybe slaps a heating pad on for good measure and life is good. Well almost.

However said leg shows no sign of improvement but rather the opposite. This AM movement is extremely painful. So I go to the see the doctor. His prognosis…after several coughing fits—by me as I am squeezed where…well you know where, is that I have a new addition—a hernia.

So something had to give…and apparently it did. So now I am fairly immobile for the time being. I have drugs for the pain. I have nicotine gum for my addiction. So now on top of the lack of physically smoking a cigerette induced hallucinations, I have drug induced hallucinations as well. Or I think they are…its getting awfully crowded around here.

The ostriches are running amuck...and now they’re smoking too. What’s worse is the female ostrich is looking pretty good…


At 9:52 PM, Blogger Emrya said...

that is all I have to say.


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