Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Whatever Post

Well I couldn't decide what to blog this is just a hodgepodge of thoughts.

Coming up on the 7 week mark of no smoking. Quite pleased about that. Wish I could say that I have no craving at all but that's not the case yet. Hopefully it will be soon...

Writing: Fallen off on my writing a bit. Not doing as well as I would like to at the moment. Just haven't felt the urge much lately. I do owe a short story for an anthology which I have started but haven't finished. Waiting on the return of the witch story--Coven of Deceit, from a private editor so I can start the marketing process on that novel. I imagine that Operation Immortral Sevitude will be showing up to proof one last time before it goes to print. Also should be starting the editing process on book II of the Sf story-Alien Revelation. And I need to finish up my edits of book II of the vampire series which will be due in the Spring to the publisher. Plenty to do there:)

School is kicking my butt. I will never teach this many classes again. I have very little free time at all this semester which contributes to the writing scenario above.

Conventions coming up, Denver, CO. the end of October and Rochester, NY in November. Not 100% sure about attending them yet. Wil probably skip PHILCON this year. Be the first time in three years that I have not gone. Too much going on to fit it all in.

However even with all of the above, still hopefull. Surprised? Yeah me too. With some help, I have managed to keep some of the demons (not all by any means) at bay at least for a while. Still with several months remaining, 2006 has been a year of incredible highs and dreaded lows. As the half century mark nears, the canvas of my own Dorian Gray painting is beginning to form and even I haven't a clue what it will look like.

Sometimes you just hate surprises...


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