28 Days-Still Not Wanted For Murder
Yes its been 28 days now and still smoke free. How I managed not to smoke over the long Labor Day Weekend due to tropical storms, airplanes, liquor, rude people, snarky ostriches, walking through clouds of cigarette smoke or the long hours of DragonCon will be one of those feats to go down in history as the prevention of World War III.
Personal note: no hard liquor...this seems to ramp up the craving for nicotine about tenfold.
Amazingly enough my trunk is not full of dead bodies of snarky individuals, although I could fit quite a few in there--consider yourself warned! I have even managed to watch many episodes of Veronica Mars...well you see I have to its one of those family things where a relative...well never mind that I'm not supposed to talk about that. Anyway, when I'm feeling really bad...I watch movies like Silent Running and everything looks so much better:)
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