The Good and Evil of Cell Phones
Its a quiet moment as you sit and talk over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, tenderly touching hands and generally just enjoying the moment after a long day of work. You're about to say to the significant other you are with the perfect sentence that you have been thinking about and practicing all day long. It has to be perfect. As the words flow across your trembling lips...then DADA--DADA--BOOM-DE-AY (insert utterly ridiculous tune here)plows across the air waves destroying the moment. And if that is not enough--the individual answers the phone speaking at least 20 decibels above normal speaking tones.
Where oh where have our manners gone?
Now, I have a cell phone--these days you would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't. But that's not a reason to forget manners especially when in a public environment. Cell phones have these nifty settings that one can use...silent, vibrate, or low. These are wonderful settings and amazingly enough the cell phone still functions even without playing those God-awful tunes that people find. And low can still be heard even from the confines of the deepest and darkest purses or bags. And if you have to answer the call and discuss the all important grocery list or other strategic all topic, speak softly or better yet, excuse yourself and move off to the side somewhere else for your conversation. I certainly don't want to share in your conversation and you know what--you shouldn't want me to either.
There's a short story brewing here--yes there is, read "Operator" by yours truly. Phone cords may have been replaced by wireless but evil still lurks...Emyra
well, cell phones can also be useful if they aren't on quiet so that the callee misses the calls!
True...very true. I hate to miss those v-e-r-y important calls.
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