The Half Century Report
As I approach the good/bad half century number I suppose that I should feel a certain way. Yet, I find that I am slightly torn between the I don't know if I should be retrospective of the past or optimistic of the future--or maybe both. Well, now that I am seriously thinking about it, I think I kind of like the both idea. I surely cannot forget what I have done, what I am about to do now and what I plan to do in the future. I have never been one to not plan something for the future. So there it is...goals.
Goals are important. We all need things to strive for and simply saying that ones goal is to be happy...well I don't feel that is good enough because you have to figure out whatmakes you happy first. For some this could be the basic physical needs while for others they can be much more complicated. So you see that this can sometimes not be that easy of a task but it is something that I think we all must do in order to really understand what we want and what we need to do to get them.
One of the goals I had was that by the time I reached the half decade mark, I wanted to be published with a large publishing house and I would probably stop going to conventions. Well I didn't make the first one--ended up with a smaller publishing house instead--no complaints--just a statement of fact. As to the second one, the issue of going to conventions was primarily an age issue on the surface, let's face it, the median age is probably 25-35 or so for the average congoer. And I have to admit at times I kind of feel out of place. But that's part of the problem...saying what is the norm or accepted average can be a bad habit to begin because as soon as we do that, we start coming up with these magical lines that cannot be crossed and we stop doing things because of those lines. One must determine if lines are needed at all and if so, how thick they should be. Now the old philosophy of Occrams Razor: that when faced with two similar answers that the simplest one most often is the correct answer, hey why not go with the flow. However, this came about before the development of the disposable razors so even that is in question...okay I'm just goofing here...but I can do that because I am starting to refuse to draw lines...okay I guess I made my point.
Anyway when the question of lines (insert your own here)comes up maybe the best answer is:
Never Give Up...Never Surrender! (I can't believe I went there--don't ask-don't tell policy in effect)
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